Sunday, 27 April 2008

Thanks to my students. . .

Hello and good morning!

We have a bit of sunshine here today - it is so nice to have the curtains open in my craft room when the sun is shining!!

I keep forgetting to take photos at my kids classes to show you my proud students and the tops things they have made lol! Will get my kiddies together and take some pics so you can see.

The school holidays are nearly over here - they go back to school on Tuesday yay! All my kids classes were a great success during the holidays, and the kids all had a great time. I enjoyed having them here too.

Thanks to all the following kids (in no particular order) who made my classes so much fun: Emily, Jaida, Bella, Ely, Maddie, Anjaali, Dayle, Emily S., Jessica H, Chloe, Harin, Jessica C. and to the mums who stayed to chat.

Thanks also need to go to my Monday ladies who made it to my Mondays at home classes. You always brighten up the school holidays and make me think outside the square to come up with something new every week!

So, thank you (in no particular order) to: Pam, Joan, Audrey, Heather and Sheila. (I hope I didn't forget anyone!!).

Keep a lookout for photos soon.


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